Bergoyne 3-Column

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

365 Days Under Fire

As I sit here and think what to write about this topic I find myself typing a paragraph and deleting it over and over again.  So now I am just going to type.

I had a conversation with one of my friends the other day who is a non-believer.  He was making comments like "The Bible was written by men" and "Christian's hate gays". 

I have had these conversations with non-believers before and I usually would take one of two roads:
          1. Say nothing at all.
          2. Try to convince him that I was right (As if it was something that "I Alone" could do)

Over the past year I had been dealing with a family member that was adamant about not surrendering her life to Christ and it changed my outlook on how to handle these situations.  That being said I really didn't know what I was going to say.  I did however say a praying while sitting there asking God to direct my thoughts, words, attitude and most of all my tone.  My tone can sometimes come across as arrogant and doesn't get me far.  As the conversation escalated on his side I kept hearing God say "Hold your tongue and just listen".  This is easier said than done when being asked for your personal stance on things while being accused of hating people who disagree with your stance.

This friend is the knowledgeable type who loves to look at the scientific aspect of things and not the spiritual end. 

I had another friend years ago who was the same.  He now has given his life to Christ and I asked him about his past the other day and he said "I just didn't believe.  My life was filled with stuff that I couldn't deal with and I didn't feel God's presence in my life so I committed my time to disproving it.  And I was wrong." 
I asked him how he got to where he was today and he said there were certain people that God put across his path that would engage him in spiritual conversations and challenge him but in a loving way.  He said "I would always get in arguments with people that wanted to prove me wrong but it was the people that wanted to share God's love with me and not the depths of Hell that really opened his eyes to Christ's love"

My conversation that day wasn't great.  My friend still doesn't believe.  But two things happened that I am thankful for. 
1.  I am thankful for letting God control the situation.  Only Good can come from this.
2.  God has really laid it on my heart to commit to praying for this friend everyday for one year.  I have never prayed for anything let alone anyone for more than a couple few weeks so I am a little apprehensive about failing.  However, that fear is not a good enough reason to not try.

Today I challenge each of you to find someone in your life that you feel needs prayer.....not just today but long term.  Commit a part of your day to them by praying for them everyday for a year.  Make it a part of your everyday life....make it your lifestyle.  Christ will be glorified.

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!  Psalm 66:20