Bergoyne 3-Column

Monday, June 4, 2012

Knowing by Cards Jenn in Peoria

Lately I've been thinking about what it means to know God. The verb know really sticks out to me. Some of the definitions of the word:
1.                  To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.
2.                  To regard as true beyond doubt.
3.                  To have practical understanding of, as through experience.
4.                  To have fixed in the mind.
5.                  To be able to distinguish; recognize as distinct
Do you get it yet?  You may have heard that saying about letting God be in the driver's seat of your life (perhaps you've heard that little song Jesus, Take The Wheel...). As cliche as that is, to consciously choose to let God direct my life each day is a struggle. But that's when I have to check where my faith is. I may say I know that God will work everything out, I know His timing is perfect, I know He will answer my prayers, I know God loves me but am I using the word "know" when I really mean to use the word "think"?
think God will work everything out
think His timing is perfect
think He will answer my prayers
I think He loves me 

The proof that I don't need to doubt these truths is right in the Bible. I should be able to confidently say "I know..." without a tinge of doubt. As I prepare to go to Sydney and minister to Muslims, I was reminded of when I went in 2010 and I had to counteract something that a Muslim believes with the Bible and I didn't know how. It was eye opening for me because I grew up in church, I should know the answers or at least where to look in the Bible. I kept thinking "how can I minister to these people when I still have doubt in my own faith?"

Needless to say, I'm still learning to regard what the Bible says and what I know about God to be true beyond doubt but I'm getting there. One of my favorite verses is Romans 8:28 and if you apply the definitions of the word know to this verse, it really makes it all the more powerful...

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those
who love God and are called according to His purpose for them"